Features & Specifications

•For use with FOSC 400 A and B closures
•Product Includes: Abrasive Strip, Aluminum Tape, Bond Clamp Wire, Cable-Termination 1 Sub (B and D Washer with Screw, Cleaning Tissue, Distributor Funnel/Cap, FOSC 400 Round Port Sealing Sleeve, Id Labels, Installation Instructions, Large Transportation Tubes, Ribbon Transportation Tube, Small Heat-Shrink Tubing, Small Transportation Tubes, Tie-Wraps

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***Due to continuous volatility of raw material costs seen industry wide, prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Confirmed updated pricing will be returned with shipping quotes within our two-step checkout process.***

We have a multi-step checkout process. Your initial online order does not have shipping costs included and will not be complete without a custom shipping quote. After you submit your initial online order, our Sales Team will generate a personalized quote with the most efficient shipping rate from the warehouse closest to you. You will receive a final quote that will include: updated pricing, estimated lead times, and shipping costs. If you have any questions about this process, please call us at 262-249-8705.