Mixed Material (11 Products)
Hand Hole Assembly, HDPE with Polymer Shield Lid, 36″ x 60″ x 36″, 33750# Test Rated, 2-Piece Cover, Bolt Down Security, Blank Logo. Price per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, HDPE with H-Lite Cover, 24″ x 36″, 18″ Depth, Tier 22, 33,750 lb Test Rating, No Logo, One Piece Cover, Hubbell. Price Per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, Fiberglass with Polymer Concrete Cover, 36″ x 60″ x 36″, 22500# Test Rated, 2 Piece Cover, Blank Plates, Not Installed. Price per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, HDPE with Polymer Cover, 30″ x 48″ 36″ Depth, Tier 22, 33,750 lb Test Rating, No Logo, Two Piece Cover, Straight Wall, Channell Bulk. Price Per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, Fiberglass with Polymer Concrete Cover, 30″ x 48″ 36″ Depth, Tier 15, 22,500lb Test Rating, Drop In Logo (ordered separately), One Piece Cover, Flared Wall, Martin. Price Per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, HDPE with Polymer Concrete Cover, 24″ x 36″ x 36″, 33750# Test Rated Shield Lid, Bolt Down Security, No Logo. Price per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, HDPE with Polymer Shield Lid, 17″ x 30″ x 24″, 33750# Test Rated Shield Lid, 1 Piece Cover, Bolt Down Security, Blank Logo. Price per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, HDPE with Polymer Shield Lid, 17″ x 30″ x 24″, 33750# Test Rated Shield Lid, 1 Piece Cover, Bolt Down Security, Fiber Logo. Price per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, HDPE with Polymer Cover, 13″ x 24″ 18″ Depth, Tier 22, 33,750 lb Test Rating, No Logo, One Piece Cover, Straight Wall, Channell Bulk. Price Per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, HDPE with Polymer Concrete Cover, 13″ x 24″ 15″ Depth, Tier 15, 22,500lb Test Rating, FDOT Traffic Signal Logo, One Piece Cover, Straight Wall, Hubbell PenCell. Price Per Each.
Hand Hole Assembly, Fiberglass Bottom, Tapered Sides, 13″ x 24″ x 12″, Tier 15, 22500# Test Rated, Polymer Concrete, 1 Piece Cover, 3/8″ Penta Bolts, “STREET LIGHTING” Logo. Price per Each.