maximize baba act opportunities

what is the baba act?

The Build America, Buy America Act applies to broadband businesses that obtain and use federal funding for infrastructure projects. The BABA Act outlines domestic content procurement requirements to strengthen domestic manufacturing as the U.S. builds its fiber network infrastructure. BABA encompasses all manufactured products, construction materials, and iron and steel used to build fiber networks with BEAD broadband funding.


Ensure your fiber optic projects are BABA compliant with Millennium.

Our BABA Compliant Vendors

We partner with industry-leading vendors compliant with BABA standards

*Not all products manufactured by the vendors listed above comply with BABA standards.

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BABA for bead highlights

  • The NTIA locked in the final BABA waivers for BEAD in Feb 2024.

  • Fiber networks funded by BEAD must use components that are at least 55% made in America.

  • Enclosures are not included in the last waiver update.

  • Most passive optical equipment will be included in the waiver.